Isoxazoline Technology and Patent Landscape


What are isoxazolines?


Molecular Formula :



Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) Number: 504-73-4

iso structure V2 20190228.png

Isoxazoline molecules are a new class of ectoparasiticides used to treat external parasitic infestations by ticks and fleas in dogs and cats. Tick infestations are capable of causing diseases such as Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) in pets. Isoxazolines have been an important development for animal health, because isoxazolines have a distinct mode of action from classic ectoparasiticdes, making it critical for pesticide cross-resistance management. Isoxazolines as ectoparasiticides are sold under these brand names: Bravecto, NexGard, Simparica and Credelio.

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